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Rong Xiaobao - Project Introduction


Product introduction required

Product Type:

Desktop product, Windows Mac

Target group:

Individual self-media users

Key features:

Write an article feature

Publish articles and videos to major knowledge platforms with one click: Douyin, WeChat official account, CSDN, Zhihu, Xiaohongshu, Jianshu, Twitter, Facebook, etc.

Manage published articles

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Pain points:

The official account is not easy to write articles, and it lacks many formatting tools. I wanted to write articles in a similar way to the Feishu Docs or Notion experience

Each platform is independent, and it is very inhumane to write an article and publish it on different platforms. One-click publishing to all platforms is required

To write an article, you need to write it like Feishu, and there is no open source solution for this feature at present

There is an article on the Internet about the implementation of the notion online documentationnotionThere is also an open-source rich text editor [draftjs] (

There is also an open source project [tripdocs] (

There is also an open-source slate.js

There is also a co-edited source project yjs

Paint open source projects: [tldraw] ( and [excalidraw] (

There is also a completely free, partially open source flowchart drawing project: drawio

Open source markdown editor marktext